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Re Routing on RFC Rhine-Alpine

Please find here a rerouting map of DB Netz for international freight trains running on RFC Rhine-Alpine through Germany.

Further Information can also be found on the DB Netz home page.

Closure Rastatt - Baden-Baden – additional information from DB Netz

According to current forecasts the line closure will take at least until 26.08.2017. Therefore large-scale re-routing of freight trains is necessary. In order to maintain rail freight traffic between Germany, Switzerland and Italy DB Netz AG is in close contact with neighboring infrastructure managers and has compiled an overview of possible diversions. Affected RUs can receive this list - if not already known - from the DB Netz customer service representatives. It contains essential technical and operational details on the diversionary routes. This overview is updated daily. Changes are communicated daily in a telephone conference whose dial-up dates and times are also available from the DB Netz customer service representatives.

Track closure Karlsruhe - Basel due to track lowering in the Rastatt area

On Saturday morning at around 11 am, a serious lowering of tracks happened south of Rastatt in the framework of tunnel construction work.

As a consequence the route Karlsruhe - Basel is completely closed between Rastatt and Baden-Baden. At the moment there is no continuous train traffic between Karlsruhe and Basel on the Rhine-Alpine corridor. For the long distance and regional passenger transport bus services are arranged between Rastatt and Baden-Baden. Freight transport is currently being held north and south of Rastatt. A forecast when the route will be operational again is currently not possible. At present, measures are being taken to stabilise the tunnel lining. It is only after completion of this stabilising work on the tunnel that the area between the tunnel and the railway track and the railway track / superstructure can be restored.

A regional and central task force has been set up. RUs are informed several times per day about the current status of the reconstruction work and next steps for the rail traffic.


The list of temporary capacity restrictions (TCR) along RFC Rhine-Alpine and the TCR overview on border sections have been updated for timetable 2018. In addition TCR Impact Sheets are available for the first time to highlight the impact of some major TCR on freight train operations along the Corridor. Any feedback to the content and lay-out of this new format is welcome. All documents can be downloaded from our Website and the Customer Information Platform.


In September 2017, the annual RFC User Satisfaction Survey will be re-launched.

With this survey, we aim to learn the opinion of our present and future users and the terminals about our products and services with the goal to further improve them for the benefit of international rail freight. This allows you to tell us about the strengths and weaknesses in our performance and also gives you the opportunity to point out areas that need to be improved.

CEOs of RFC Rhine-Alpine signed MoU

In their meeting on 13 June in Sopron, the CEOs of the partner organisations of RFC Rhine-Alpine signed an MoU for improved cooperation and services on the corridor. The MoU is closely linked to the Sector Statement on boosting international rail freight from May 2016. It focusses on key areas for improvement from the infrastructure management side, e.g. the international path offer, TCR, performance management and ERTMS. It also emphasises the support of the RUs in cross border harmonisation, the importance of transparent ETA along the transport chain and the development of the corridor for 740m trains.

A photo of the meeting can be found here.

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