

Corridor organisation 2016
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The Rail Freight Corridor (RFC) Rhine-Alpine is organised in form of a European Economic Interest Grouping.

All infrastructure managers (IM) of the Corridor countries are members or contractors to the EEIG, wich are:

  • ProRail (for the Dutch network)
  • Infrabel (for the Belgian network)
  • DB InfraGO (for the German network)
  • SBB Infrastruktur (for the Swiss network)
  • BLS Netz (for the Swiss network)
  • Schweizerische Trassenvergabestelle (Swiss allocation body)
  • RFI (for the Italian network).

The Executive Board (ExB) represents the joint interests of the Transport Ministries of all involved countries and takes landmark decisions for cooperation on the Corridor. The Management Board (MB) is made up of high-level management representatives of the aforementioned IMs and holds responsibility for the effective implementation of the Corridor. The MB has set up a Programme Management Office (PMO) as permanent working organizations of the IMs. The PMO is represented by the EEIG Office team and one representative of each IM, the so called Programme Implementation Manager (PIM). They are delegates of their respective IM and responsible for the coordination and reporting of their national project implementation to the Corridor organization.

Furthermore, the PMO monitors the goals and actions of eight Corridor Working Groups. These Groups were established to work efficiently and very focused on the improvement of cross-border rail freight services on our Corridor.

The Railway Undertakings Advisory Group (RAG) and the Terminal Advisory Group (TAG) are advisory groups to the MB. They serve as information platforms to involve railway undertakings (RUs) and terminals as well as stakeholders of the intermodal transport chain in order to take into account their opinion and requirements in the corridor development from a customer's point of view.

The Corridor One Stop Shop (C-OSS) – facilitates train path management for international rail freight. It presents one single point of contact allowing applicants to request and receive answers regarding infrastructure capacity for international freight trains.


RFC Network

RNE Rail Freight Corridor Map

All Rail Freight corridors are organized in the RFC network to enhance coordination between the corridors. The RFC network is supported by an RFC network assistant and is organizationally attached to RailNetEurope (RNE) – an association of European infrastructure managers.

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